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Surgical Services

modern techniques and gentle care

We offer a variety of surgical services from spay/neuter, soft tissue and orthopedic surgery. Your pet's safety and comfort is our number one priority. General anesthesia is tailored to the individual patient. Pre-anesthetic risk assessment including in house labwork and echocardiograms are readily available when needed.  Individual care including a dedicated and medically trained veterinary technician accompanies your pet every step of the way from intake, to anesthetic monitoring, recovery, client communication and discharge. Our veterinary technicians are highly trained to work along side of our doctors in order to provide the best possible care for our patients. We utilize state of the art patient monitoring equipment and always provide supportive therapies such as IV fluids and pain control. We utilize a multi-modal approach to pain control which not only includes the use of pain medications but uses adjunctive therapies such as local anesthesia and nerve blocks, epidurals, PBMT laser therapy, platelet-rich plasma therapy and rehabilitation. We are also pleased to offer a variety of minimally invasive surgery options including endoscopic and laparoscopic services.

Surgical Services
  • spay/neuter traditional and laparoscopic options

  • cruciate ligament repair TPLO, TTA

  • luxating patella correction

  • fracture repair

  • laparoscopic gastropexy

  • laparoscopic liver biopsy

  • ear canal video otoscope explore,  deep flush and biopsy

  • cystotomy

  • splenectomy

  • cryptorchid laparoscopic

  • hernia repair

  • GI surgery

  • mass removals

  • eye surgery

  • c-section

  • dental surgery

  • endoscopic procedures

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